Get the inside scoop on digital marketing for food & beauty brands.
Business Blog Ideas: How to Blog for Your Ecommerce Business in 2021
Business owners often get stuck staring at a blank page and come to me with comments like "I know content is important for growing our e-com business, but I don't know what to write about." When it comes to finding ideas, look far and wide. This is the stage where you want to keep your mind wide open.
Meaningful Marketplace Podcast Conversation
Listen in as I chat with the hosts of Meaningful Marketplace. We talk about food startup copywriting 101!
What to Include in Your Website Footer
Your website footer is not a junk drawer. Just as your top navigation bar helps visitors find what they're looking for, the footer also helps direct them. Here are the seven elements every ecommerce website footer needs, plus examples of winners and common footer mistakes.
5 Food & Beauty Brands Making Money with Online Classes
Online classes have been growing like kudzu for years, but 2020 has given them an extra boost. Many CPG brands are perfectly positioned to get in on the game, but only a few are taking advantage right now.
Catalog Marketing is the Newest Trend in Ecommerce
Digital brands are bringing print catalogs back to life - and getting great results.
Print catalogs are cool again. Yes, that kind of catalog – the booklet with photos of your merchandise along with descriptions – the kind that’s printed on real paper and delivered by the USPS.
The 5 Things You Need on Your Homepage
A while ago Shelley Easter, Shopify designer extraordinaire and I sat down to teach a class on the 5 things every ecommerce homepage needs. We covered everything from your top navigation to your footer copy.
Crafting Your Food Brand Story: My Conversation with Katie Mleziva
Katie Mleziva is a Fortune 500 CPG veteran, expert startup coach and mastermind mentor. I was honored to join her on the Real Food Brand podcast that just went live. We recorded this in February 2020, so if you're seeing this now in April, you know we were clueless about what the current marketing scene would be. But the good news is this content is absolutely timeless - it was applicable in February, it's more important now, and it'll still be fresh next year.
The Best Food Brand Emails - Quarantine Edition
As small business owners, it can feel like we're in between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, it's easy to understand why people aren't spending on gourmet treats right now.
On the other hand, we still have our own leases to pay and lights to keep on, not to mention the staff members and vendors who's own livelihoods rely on GPG businesses staying open.
Here’s a quick round-up of 5 specialty food brands getting email marketing right.
3 Ways Indie CPG Brands Can Keep Marketing.... Without Extra Costs
Cutting costs doesn't mean you have to shut down your marketing - keep your momentum going with these three *totally free* ways to market your brand right now.
CPG Copy Survey: Big Budget Brand vs. Healthy Challengers
As more and more natural/healthy food startups enter the snack space, I thought it'd be interesting to look at how some of the top players on local grocery shelves are presenting their products online.
Chase Hired a Robot to Write Their Copy. Should You?
It's official: robots are now writing real ad copy for major corporations.
When J.P. Morgan Chase announced its new hire of AI firm Persado to write their ad copy, I admit I was shocked. But diving into the examples, I can see why they chose the robots.
In a surprising turn of events, the robot-written copy actually sounds more human.
Why Now is the Time for Niche CPG Brands to Build a Stronger Ecommerce Presence
Despite all the hype about eCommerce giants like Amazon,, and numerous grocery delivery services, the fact is that the vast majority of CPG products are still purchased in brick and mortar stores.
But ecommerce sales of these items are steadily increasing - in fact online sales grew by 35% in 2018 alone.
The 4 Basic Elements of Effective Ecommerce Product Descriptions
Your product page is the last copy people see before they click “buy.”
Even if they’re onboard with your brand, and think they like what they saw in the thumbnail image, you can still lose people at this stage.
What is Copywriting?
Copy is all around us – following us at every turn – impacting the decisions we make, and as a result, affecting many aspects of our everyday lives.
And yet, outside of advertising agency circles, the term copywriting is still relatively unknown.
What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Copywriter
How do you know when you’re ready to hire a copywriter? Well there aren’t any rules set in stone.
As with any service, you’re usually welcome to hire someone and pay money whether you’re ready or not.
But for best results, I’m outlining a few things you should know before you dive in and invest.
Getting the Buzzwords OUT of Your Business
If you've spent any time in an office, or any time watching The Office, you've been inundated with business jargon, whether in the form of acronyms, buzzwords, or other over-used slang.
Bosses seem especially prone to using hyper-inflated, nearly meaningless words. And we all see through it.
The Mindset Shift You Need to Make Before Writing Your About Page
Your About page is usually the second-most visited page on your site, after your home page. That means that people are more likely to click About, than they are to click on your services page, shop, testimonials, blog, or contact pages.
So we've got to shore up your copy and make sure your About page is in tip-top shape for all your visitors to see!
The ONE Quality You Need for Effective Copywriting
Great copywriting comes down to one thing.
There are hundreds of philosophies, theories, and formulas outlining the keys to writing that unlocks consumers pocketbooks. Hey, I write about a lot of them myself.
But today let’s scrape away all of those checklists and boil it down to the core. The one thing that makes for great copywriting.
"Can't I Just Write My Own Copy?"
Ok friends let's tackle this li'l debate today:
DIY-ing your website copy VS. outsourcing to a writer.
As you'd expect from a copywriter, I fully support outsourcing your website copy for a million reasons. But, there are also some good reasons to write your own:
3 Unexpected Copywriting Lessons from Bobby Flay
ach week, the contestant challenges Bobby to making the contestant's signature dish, and usually, despite the chosen meal NOT being Bobby's specialty...he still wins.
What can small business owners learn from Bobby's habit of winning? Here are my three top lessons to apply to your website copy today: